Friday, September 24, 2010

Revision Revision Pple

Past Revision Qns:

Chapter: Digestive System
1a) Explain why food must be digested. [2]
b) Describe digestion in the alimentary canal:
i) mouth ii)stomach iii)small intestine [6]

2a) Describe how food is moved through the oesophagus to the stomach. [2]
b)Explain how the small intestine is adapted for its functions. [6]

3a)Differentiate between the following terms:
i) absorption and assimilation ii) digestion and absorption iii) ingestion and egestion[6]
b) Discuss how different pH affects digestion. [2]

4a)What part does the liver play in the digestion and utilization of food substances. [4]
b) What are the functions of bile in the small intestine? What happens in the absence of bile? [4]

Chapter: Transport
1(a)What is meant by a double circulation? [2]
(b)State the function of coronary arteries. [2]
(c)Describe how the circulatory system deals with bacteria which may have entered through a cut. [4]

2(a)Describe how the heart with its left and right chambers aid in the efficient transport of oxygen. [6]
(b)Why do red blood cells have a short lifespan? [2]

3a) Compare between the differences in terms of function, structure and composition of the artery, vein and capillary. [5]
b) What is the purpose of valves in the heart and veins? [1]

4a) Outline the pathway of blood flow through the double circulation. [2]
b) State the importance of a double circulation. [2]
c) List the components of the blood and their respective functions. [4]

5a) Compare between the following terms:
i) Translocation, Transpiration [2] ii)Xylem, Phloem [2]
b) Describe the conditions required for wilting and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of wilting. [2]

Chapter: STDs, Sexual Reproduction in Animals

1a) Discuss the medical importance of antibiotics [2]
b) Describe the symptoms of AIDs and discuss how it is different from syphilis. [4]
c) State how syphilis can be treated. [2]

2a) Describe the functions of the following structures:
i) testes ii)scrotum iii)sperm ducts iv)prostate gland v)urethra vi)penis [6]
b) Describe 2 ways in which males can protect themselves from STDs. [2]

3a) State 3 features of the menstrual cycle. [3]
b) Distinguish between the following terms:
i) Fertilisation and Implantation ii) Vasectomy and Ligation [4]
c) State what is a contraceptive pill and its effects. [1]

4a) Compare male and female gametes in term of size, numbers and mobility. [3]
b) Describe the functions of
i)ovaries ii)oviducts iii)uterus iv)cervix v)vagina [5]

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