Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Experiment Success!

Great to have seen all your experiments, reports and discussions!


  1. actually, our result wasnt very accurate, some said that music doesnt affect the rate of photosynthesis while some of them agree. But from our experiment, it do affect alittle only ..

  2. My opinion : It actually does affect but given the short period of time, the plant have too little time to show the results yearned for by the group

  3. agree... its considered experimental error right?
    [regret to be absent on that day.. ><]

  4. Yea. My group also have experimental error. Quite alot. lol

    The range of temperature we measured could be more chosen with more reasons instead of randomly picking in a range. It would also be better to have more measurements to find the optimum temperature of the plant.
    Due to the time constraint and everyone mistaking the ph sensor for the oxygen sensor, there was very little time to conduct the experiment. Each set-up had a 'photosynthesis' time of only 3 minutes, which is very short, thus, it might cause the experiment results to be inaccurate.
    We used the oxygen sensor which was more realizable than counting bubbles but there were still inaccuracies in the experiment.
    Our results are the average of the oxygen content recorded throughout the experiment. Due to the rush, we were a little not careful and run the MultiLab program before we removed the oxygen sensor from the room temperature water and placed it into the desired set-up. So the final results were a little different.
    We changed our experiment a little from our previous methods. Instead of using an overturned funnel and a test tube covering the nozzle.

    but still .. we all rock !

  5. to 2e1 science TLLM >

    er to tell you the truth, ithink that music wouldnt help the plant as said by mythbusters. I posted their video on my blog bout "Does music affect plant " experiment. They played classical, rock, metal, people scolding and more. And they did it starting from a seed so it was like supersuper fair.

    Why people think that music does help plants grow is maybe coz after they 'stress relief' happy talktalk to the plants then they good mood. Thus, they wil lt ake better care of the plants :D

  6. I Also agree that , in our group we actually get the result which is very different from the theory.we didn't organise the experiment well. hope that have more time to dothe experiment. Now i also realize how difficult to carry out a experiment!!

  7. In my opinion, our experimental error was when the amount of sodium hydrogencarbonate placed in the beakers was not sufficient therefore resulting in the inaccurate recordings of oxygen produced (O2). We also did not fully submerge the hydrilla plant in the water thus the leftover parts of the plant did not carry out the process of photosynthesis. Another mistake was that 10 minutes wasn’t sufficient for the sodium hydrogencarbonate to dissolve completely for the plant to have carbon dioxide to photosynthesis, so the results will also be inaccurate. We kind of placed the hydrilla in the water before the experiment took place too..
