Wednesday, October 6, 2010

1c) Antibiotics at early stage of infection.
2a) i) produce sperms and male hormones ii) allow sperm production at below body temperature iii) to transport sperms to urethra iv) provide alkaline medium and nutrients for sperms v)deliver sperms to outside of body vi)to deposit sperms in vagina
b)wear a condom, keep to one sex partner
3a) menstruation, fertile and uterine thickening period
b) fusion of male and female sex cells vs depositing at uterine lining for development
ii) cutting and tying of sperms ducts vs cutting and tying of oviducts
c) a chemical which female takes to prevent ovulation
4a) Male- small Female-Big Male-Produced in millions Female-one matures every 28 days male-motile female-immotile
bi)produce ovum and female sex hormones ii)site of fertilisation and transport ovum to uterus iii) site of implantation and development of embryo iv)sperm reservoir v)where penis penetrate and deposit sperms

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