Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Now we investigate

Ok you should know now that all of you got to write up your own experiment to investigate on how a particular factor you are interested in affects the rate of photosynthesis and eventually investigate on the main big experiment to answer.(important to indicate what you can measure to show rate amount of photosynthesis)

what is the best conditions for photosynthesis in the science lab?

Remember to post on your blogs, how your experiment is to be carried out and comment on each other's experiment to help see if there are any other ways to do the experiment or maybe some lab safety issues or maybe there is something wrong with the experiment such that the errors are so huge that you are unable to produce any results. SO don't forget, HELP EACH OTHER OUT!

Some links on how to write an experiment:

Please submit your list of required apparatus and materials ASAP!!!

Even weirder facts on photosynthesis

In the Dark
In 2005, a team of scientists discovered the first organism that relies on photosynthesis yet lives in a part of the ocean that never gets sunlight. Researchers said their findings of photosynthesis in the dark point to the possibility of similar life on other planets

Photosynthesis In Animals
Animals need other animals or plants for food energy, but Texas A&M researchers are studying a sea slug that creates its own energy through photosynthesis. The sea slug eats algae but doesn't fully digest it. What remains in its system "continues to photosynthesize and provide food for the slug," similar to what a plant does.