Monday, July 26, 2010

Green Machines

Well guys, if you still haven't got a clue of what is so fantastic about photosynthesis and their relationship with respiration, take a look at this:

There are also a lot of weird plants in the they photosynthesize too? If so, for what? How? the normal way? What is the normal way?

How to write in your blog?

So your part is to:
•To generate ideas
•To read the notes of other students and comment differing schools of opinion about the problem


Evidence is like books, links, etc.

Now people, you will need to use the following scaffolds when you are writing something in your blogs so that everyone is clear on what you are presenting on. So, if it is on a
1. Problem identification, you will use the following to start your sentences:
w New information
w New idea
w I need to understand
w Further Explanation
w Technical Term
w Definition
w Rise above

EXAMPLE: Let's say i found something new on the internet. I would write in my blog as:

New information: Hey i found this on the net It talks about why we need to study photosynthesis. In short, the article is talking about photosynthesis fulfilling the needs of our life processes, in terms of energy etc.....

2. Problem refinement
w My theory
w My opinion
w New information
w New idea
w I need to understand
w Further Explanation
w This theory cannot explain
w A bettery theory
w Rise above

3. Theory Building
w My theory
w I need to understand
w New information
w This theory cannot explain
w A better theory
w Putting our knowledge together

4. Opinion sharing
w Opinion
w Different opinion
w Reason
w Elaboration
w Evidence
w Example
w Conclusion

5. Plan for inquiry
w New Information
w Rise-Above
w A better theory
w Further Explanation
w Our task now
w Planning ahead
w Work Schedule
w Responsiblities
w Agreed action
w I need to understand
w This theory cannot explain
w My Opinion
w We need to find out
w Inquiry Focus

6. Analysis and Interpretations
w Rise-Above
w A better theory
w My Opinion
w This theory cannot explain
w My Findings
w My Interpretations
w My Theory
w I need to understand
w Further Explanation

7. Conclusion
w This theory cannot explain
w A better theory
w What we have learn
w What we still don’t know
w We need to understand
w Rise-Above
w Key Findings
w Our Theory
w From our perspective

8. Reflection Journal
w Largest learning gain this week
w The best note I have read this week
w Progress this week
w Difficulties encountered
w What I really enjoyed
w What I am unhappy about
w Suggestion for improvement

Monday, July 12, 2010

What is KB and how is it related to me?

It is an approach to learning which takes seriously the goal to prepare YOU for the knowledge economy. When you are a member of the KB group, what you is actively engage in brainstorm ideas, identify problems, research for evidence and solutions, debate and discuss with your friends. So that you can co-create new perspectives and advance knowledge beyond just one person. SO READY GET SET GO!!! Let's knowledge build together!!!